Consumer Goods / Food and Related Products

The consumer goods industry is not homogeneous. It is divided into a number of sub-sectors with different success factors, opportunities and business risks. Points of contact are often found in the mutual distribution channels of the retail and wholesale trade or mail order and internet business.

The consumer goods industry, in particular the food and beverage sector, is generally regarded as cyclically resilient. It is a consumer-oriented and highly competitive industry. In recent years, however, numerous trends have increased the market risk for traditional medium-sized companies.

In particular, we have seen alterations in consumer-structure and consumption patterns as well as demographic change. In addition, increasing concentration and globalization on the demand side (“retail giants”) has been accompanied by business concentration among producers, which has been particularly intense in some sectors of the industry.

To take advantage of sales opportunities offered by product and regional niches, a company needs clear strategic positioning and alignment.

The consumer goods industry is a sector unitcell prioritizes. We help entrepreneurs and companies in these industries to determine their market position and to define measures necessary for strategic development and change or even rescue.

Our consultants have particularly extensive project experience in the following sub-sectors:

  • Food industry (pickles, frozen foods, meat products, dairy products, soft drinks, wine and champagne, spirits, bakery products)
  • Trade (meet and baking retailer, electronics retailers, plumbing wholesalers, agricultural wholesale, mail order, horticultural wholesale)
  • Processing trades (hygiene products, sanitary products, textiles, green industry)

unitcell has already developed extensive studies of industry for banks, trade associations and entrepreneurs.